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blessings can be transmitted
via Skype, FB messenger, in
person, or over the phone.


for Tao Calligraphy tracing blessings please see Tao Calligraphy Service page.  thank you!

Tao Hands

Tao Hands is a spiritual treasure blessed to me by my Spiritual Teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.  It is designed to access the great power and energy of the Divine through the hands of those who receive it. In that sense it is similar to Reiki, but is a different and higher frequency of healing power.  The blessing would last 10 minutes to 20 minutes or more, depending on Divine guidance.  This blessing can be given in person or remotely.

The most powerful way to see the benefit of Tao Hands is over time. Blockages and sickness don't come overnight, and often do not disappear instantly, though this is possible. 

First time one free Tao Hands blessing to feel the energy and light!

10 days Tao Hands Blessings


Try 30 days of Tao Hands blessings



First Tao Hands blessing is on the house! Come and give it a try.

Kuan Yin Crown Chakra Blessing

When a Guan Yin Crown Chakra Blessing is offered through one approved to do so,

the living spirit and presence of Guan Yin herself comes and pours through the hand of the practitioner to the 7th chakra of the body, knows as the Crown Chakra.  It is a profound honor and responsibility to be a conduit for this great being's compassion and transforming presence. She knows what is most needed and will honor your request in all powerful and appropriate ways.  You can ask for the Divine to choose what is best for you, and this is always a wise choice!  Trust.  This blessing is offered remotely, but I also love to offer in person, with proper PPE of course.

There is a mandatory $100.00 honor fee for this blessing because of the great virtue that comes from heaven, though it could be higher according to Divine guidance.


Kuan Yin Crystal Mala Fa Qi Crown Chakra blessing

I am so excited to be able to offer this incredible blessing!  It is a higher frequency, energy and light, and so is a higher honor fee of $200.00 This blessing is of greatest value.

I am delighted to announce that both of these Guan Yin Crown Chakra blessings can now be offered remotely.  This is wonderful news.

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Kristin used the sword fingers blessing for my wrist to help with my carpal tunnel.  I didn't know what to expect but I felt a warm tingling sensation and I can honestly say I have not felt any discomfort since she did that.  My wrist feels good and I thank her for her help.

Jennifer Arias, FedEx employee

I have not done as much tracing as I could have, hard to find the energy, but, dear one things have shifted slightly and I feel more of Heaven around me, protecting me and I have a suspicion I am being guided, like shut up and to see how great their pain is and that they suffer. My son has recently shown me a great act of compassion. I am finding a bit more joy in my everyday life, I try to be a good example of starting fresh every day with a smile and forgiveness for them. I believe that your tracing is making a beginning or an end that can be peaceful. I love feeling Heaven around me, standing room only here. Sister, I can’t thank you enough for the service you have provided me and my family. There just are no words. If I can advocate for you in any way I am your servant.  Love you,

Toni Seymour

For the above dear one I employed Tao Calligraphy in the context of my Tao Calligraphy study group, preparatory to becoming a Tao Calligraphy practitioner

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra chanting blessing

When I chant the Da Bei Zhou I always feel a great sense of the presence of the Buddhas. I feel their joyfulness, willingness and companionship.  Learning this great Mantra and invoking it in service has been one of the biggest transformations of my life, I have seen it's effects in the lives of the beings I have chanted it for, certainly in my life.  I am deeply honored to offer this chanting for your requests, it is powerful to harmonize and transform health and affairs of all kinds.

This blessing can be given in person or remotely.

Honor fee by reading

high level power DBZ blessing. 


Guan Yin Lineage level one transmission blessing

one half hour $300

Guan Yin Lineage level two transmission blessing

one half hour $500

Kristin offered me an individualized Calligraphy Da Ai, or Greatest Love for my low back pain. I traced Calligraphy morning and evening, 5 to 10 minutes at a time, chanting Da Ai. Over a period of about 4 weeks the pain became less and less, until I am 95% pain free now.  When I fell off my practice the pain re-emerged somewhat, but when I resumed it went away again.  There have been a few flare-ups, and Kristin has traced her large Da Guang Ming (Greatest Light) Calligraphy for me and it has helped.  One time I was having a flare-up while awaiting a long transatlantic flight, and dreaded sitting for so long with the pain present.  I contacted Kristin and she traced the large Calligraphy for me, and also offered a Tao Hands blessing.  My back didn't bother me at all on the flight!  I am very thankful.
John    Littleton Colorado

Free Offerings

Guan Yin Thousand Hands Thousand                         Eyes blessing

With this blessing I invoke Guan Yin and the Buddhas of the Da Bei Zhou to be present and give a blessing through me to the person asking the blessing.  These holy beings know exactly is needed and what is most powerful and appropriate for that person.  I chant one of several Guan Yin mantras during the blessing.  This blessing can be delivered either remotely or in person.  Energy is energy, love is love, it flows where it is directed and requested.

Honor fee         honor fees are by Divine Guidance

We call this an honor fee because we honor heaven by offering it, and a portion goes back to the institute of soul healing and enlightenment, and beings that made it possible for me to receive these healing gifts.

Please see my Tao Calligraphy services page to see all the exciting possibilities there!

Divine Shining Crystal Lotus blessing
Objects that have been blessed have been used since humans started on this planet to assist in bringing wholeness.  I am fortunate to possess a beautiful crystal lotus flower that has been blessed by my spiritual teacher, Master Sha. To those who are sensitive in this way, it appears to radiate a pure white light, and offers a gentle but powerful blessing that can be intended for longer periods of time than the actual blessing.  This blessing can be given in person or remotely.
The honor fee for this blessing is $50.00
Qigong Sword Fingers Blessing


    Follow-Up Consultations

  • As with many healing modalities, sometimes more than one offering will be most beneficial.  I will be offering package blessings to reduce cost and offer the most lasting benefit.

I know that finances can be an issue, and to be of service is my true intention, so I offer a free 10 minute Tao Healing Hands blessing to anyone who requests it.  Just email your name and the condition you are asking blessing for.

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Qigong literally means "life energy cultivation".  It has various applications including breathing, exercise and healing practices.  One of those practices is called Sword Fingers, which is the powerful directing of Qi through the fingers to break up energetic blockages in the body.  I have observed that this practice can have the most immediate and sometimes dramatic results!  Recipients often feel heat and movement in their bodies, and immediate relief of pain and stiffness as is possible.  This practice can be offered in person, or remotely.

This honor fee for this blessing is $30 for one area of the body

 $100.00 for a full body Sword Fingers blessing which is quite an experience! This blessing is super effective in person, with all in agreement on full masking and so forth.


Blessings can be offered remotely, and are as effective as when in person. I am also happy to travel within reason, Colorado front range corridor.


Reiki is one of the first healing techniques that I have been blessed to receive.  Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". Reiki is a different energy and frequency that the above offerings, but it can be delivered in a hands on way, which is preferred by some.  I like that myself!

honor fee  $65.00

Animal Services

Animals respond excellently to energy work and it is appropriate for them to receive any service that humans do.  I am happy to offer blessings to any creature. I often have as many animal clients as humans, and I love to work with them.

Reduced rates available for animal friends

At this time payment via cash, check, paypal, and venmo are accepted.  Thank you

Guan Yin Oracle Card Reading

The Guan Yin Oracle Card deck is a collection of gorgeous artwork, guidance and blessing that is remarkable in it's accuracy.  I offer these reading asking most humbly the blessing and presence of the beloved Guan Yin, knowing that our best interests are always in her heart.  She leads and instructs with unfailing love and compassion.  In person or remotely.

The honor fee for this blessing is $30.00


I'm sure that you are getting by now that for me healing is all about energy and being a channel for the Divine to do it's work.  There are many different ways to offer service and I am deeply humbled to be able to offer a few of them here.  I hope that I may be of service to you!

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