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Soul Affiliate. Take Charge of your own self healing.


I​n the previous posting I discussed what brings me to a committment to a soul centered business. I believe anyone who has some gifts can do that, and that is in line with the shifts that are taking place here on mother Earth that are blending alternative modalities, science and spirituality, and ethical, mindful business practices.

I​ will continue to share the love, teaching, generosity and blessings of my teacher, Master Zhi Gang Sha. He is a one of a kind pure soul, and the world is lucky to have him.

M​aster Sha has come here to help us to wake, to serve, and to be well. There is an enormous body of work from this man, books, blessings, tutorials, high level retreats and more. I'm starting with the Touch the Button offerings, which are a genius combination of Tao Calligraphy and Sacred sound videos. Don't just listen to me, the testimonials tell the tale.

I​n the previous post I offered information and links for low back, lungs, and knees. Today we'll go further!

T​ouch the Button Tao Calligraphy and Sacred Sound for...


H​eart. This is a big one, so much of our life here revolves around what takes place in the heart.

L​iver. Anger is the number one causation for cancer, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The liver is where anger lives.

S​pleen. Want to rejuvenate teeth and gums? Stomach? Digestion? Speak to your spleen.

S​kin. Come on girls, this one's for you. Or anyone who loves beautiful skin.

E​yes. Got to have those eyes doing well!

I​'ll be back soon with more! There is so much more. This is just a taste of the possibilities for blessings that encompass all areas of life. Relationship, finance, spiritual journey, you name it.

M​aster Sha's work is a big container. We'll get to all of it.

L​ove and blessings to you all. As Master Sha says,

"If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it!"




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