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Tao Calligraphy

The beautiful Calligraphy shown here was created in the Yi Bi Zi style of Chinese Calligraphy.  This technique writes the calligraphy in one single stroke, not lifting the brush from the paper.  It meaning is "Da Guang Ming", or Greatest Light. This Calligraphy was created for me by a high level teacher and artist, Master Carol Liu, who is in the immediate Tao Calligraphy lineage of my spiritual teacher Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. There is a fuller explanation about Master Sha and Tao Calligraphy on the Tao Calligraphy page of this website.

I am so pleased to offer service to you with this Calligraphy!  It is not me, but the Divine that gives the blessing.
This service includes a 20 minute one-on-one consultation, and  Tao Calligraphy tracing blessing for  15 minutes per day for three days.  This can be delivered in person, via Skype, Zoom or phone.

The honor fee for this powerful service is $175.00, or $120.00 for the tracing alone.

I also offer a package of 7 days of tracing minutes per day plus a brief consult for $350.00. This is cost effective and also powerful, as different levels of negative information can be transformed further.


I am empowered at this time to offer to write a Tao Calligraphy for you. We would have a 20 minute consultation regarding your concern, then I write the Calligraphy with intention to bring transformation to your concern.
A powerful field is created when this Calligraphy is written that has the great potential to bring wholeness. This is written on water paper with a blessed brush, and so is not permanent. I then trace the Calligraphy for you for 30 minutes.

The honor fee is by reading. 

please contact me by text or email, or via Facebook messenger.

Please do not photograph, screen shot or in any way use or trace this Calligraphy. It is a sacred object and was created specifically for my service.  I don't want anyone to experience negative consequences.

D Guang Ming calligraphy.jpg

Tao Calligraphy carries enormous frequency and light, and can bring wholeness to any aspect of life.

exclusive property of Compassion Buddha Wholeness Services 

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Honor fees
15 Minute one time tracing of Da Guang Ming for your concern
Consult and tracing service
$175.00 or
$120.00 for tracing alone.
7 day package of tracing with consult

 Payment via invoice,
Paypal, Venmo, check or cash.

Here are some recent descriptions of Tao Calligraphy sessions and testimonials.

Calligraphy drawn, Da Ai Greatest Love


RECIPIENT REQUEST – issue/concern:  September 2024


Chronic pain and inflammation in both feet due to multiple fractures 


This person has had multiple physical injuries in her life, including broken bones from falls and accidents. 


Flow from Kuan Yin. 


“This is Kuan Yin. Thank you. This beloved one has a sweet and nurturing nature in this life experience. There have been previous life experiences in which she caused pain and harm. This is what is appearing in the life experience of this one now. There is much this one can do through deep and sincere forgiveness practice.” 


After one TC drawing session this is the recipient’s experience. 


She reports that yesterday was very painful, ending with a pain level of 8 as she had been on her feet most of the day. Today she tells me they feel much better, better than they have in months, the pain is at a level 2 today. 

NAME OF CALLIGRAPHY – Name the calligraphy written for this session:  

Da Ai 



RECIPIENT REQUEST – Describe the recipient’s issue/concern:  

Chronic pain in left foot, pain levels 5-8 


Pendulum indicates the blockage is at the soul level, past life influence, father’s side ancestral karma. Third eye showed red energy at the instep of the foot. Image of a spear or other sharp object. 


This is the recipient’s experience during the session: 

This from the gentleman who requested the blessing. (She does not speak English)


Hi Kristin. My mother says it is much, much better. I told her that I honored for a TAO Calligraphy blessing to her, and you offer to trace for her. Thank you very much Kristin 

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